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Wonderful world of rattan and teak. luxurious living inside.
Products Archive Rattan And Teak Furniture
Crafted by hand with a classic rattan frame, along with a natural cane back and arm details. this rattan lounge chair is the perfect piece to accent any space. specification: dimensions: width 65cm x length 60cm x height 65cm weight: 15 lbs material: rattan no assembly required allow 2-3 weeks to make. Both rattan and teak garden furniture are safe to leave outdoors regardless of the weather conditions and the season of the year. outside garden season, however, it is a good idea to protect the furniture from dust, dirt and bird droppings with a garden furniture cover because unfortunately, neither rattan or teak is resistant to dirt. comfort. 12. 09. 2019 erkunde oeznuryurtsevers pinnwand „rattan sessel“ auf pinterest. weitere ideen zu rattan sessel, sessel, rattan.
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Here at rattan and teak we know that the assembly and placement of large / heavy furniture items can become more of a challenge as time goes by. if you are a silver surfer (aged 70 or over) then rattan and teak want to help by providing 33% off assembly and installation on appropriate products. 14. 04. 2019 erkunde tanja gillenbergs pinnwand „rattansofa“ auf pinterest. weitere ideen zu gartenmöbel, outdoor sofa, rattan möbel garten.